Celtic Heritage - culture, belief and traditions of the Celtic Peoples Celtic Heritage - culture, beliefs and traditions of the Celts

Celtic Heritage - culture, beliefs and traditions of Celts and Druids


Celtic Heritage

Mabinogion - Introduction

Mabinogion - Branch One

Mabinogion - Branch Two

Mabinogion - Branch Three

Yr Gododdin - Aneurin

Sources and Resources

The following articles cover a wide range of topics, drawing from the entire range of customs, social forms, beliefs, and material traits of the Celtic speaking world. It is my intention to build up an online resource which details aspects of Celtic culture, history and spirituality.

Over time I hope to add much of the Gaelic and Brythonic mythological cycles, medieval texts, and other source material, including -

  • The Ulster Cycle
  • The Fenian Cycle
  • The Dindsenchas
  • Lebor Gabala Erenn
  • The Arthurian Cycle

This section will be added to, in order to build up an online resource of source material, starting with the Welsh material beginning with the tales from the Mabinogion.