Virtual Shrine of Brighid - WhiteOak Druids
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Blessed by Druids - Druid Triskelle
Order of WhiteOak
Prayers for Healing and Surgery

Prayers for Healing



Heal her/him Blessed Brighid ~

O Brighid, Goddess of Healing. Grant a speedy recovery to ________________, who is in need of Your powers. Bless him/her with strength and vigor. Spread your Cloak of Protection over him/her and shield him/her from excessive pain. Support _________in facing fear; fill him/her with courage and a calm heart. Fill ___________ with hope, transforming weakness to strength, sickness to health. May he/she be granted complete healing; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Praised are you, blessed Goddess, thank you for your gifts.

Prayer Before Surgery ~

O Brighid, Goddess of Healing, Guardian of the flocks and of the people, watch over _________________ as she/he undergoes surgery. Bless all who are involved in the surgery, whether they work in physical, emotional or spiritual realms. Send strength to ________________, spread over him/her your Mantle of Peace and Protection. Support him/her in facing fear and fill her/him with calm courage. Fill ___________ with hope, turning weakness to strength, sickness to health. All praises to you, Mother of the flocks. Protect _____________________, protect the people.

Prayer After Surgery ~

We offer thanks to you, Brighid, for your strength of Healing. With Your help and the help of dedicated healers ___________________ has safely emerged from surgery. Our fear has been turned into relief. Bless ____________________ with continued strength and vigor. May his/her health be quickly restored. All praises to You, Mother of the flocks and protector of the people.

Prayer for a Sick Child ~

O Brighid, Patroness of Motherhood, protect this child __________________, who needs Your care and protection. Spread your Cloak of Healing over him/her. May he/she find shelter in Your loving care. Shield him/her from harm. Watch over her/him both day and night. Support him/her in facing pain. Fill him/her with calm courage. May You bless ___________________ with complete healing in mind, body and spirit. All praises to You, Mother of the flocks and of the people.

Prayer to the Ancestors ~

Ancestors, accept my prayer. Do not turn away. Please forgive me for the times I have disappointed you. Show me Your wisdom and guidance that I may place my feet upon the right road.


Adapted by Ellen Evert Hopman from Numbers 12:13 and Modeh Ani

Developed by J Craig Melia - Innov8 Design -